Youtube Thumbnail Downloader

How to use

1.1 To get the thumbnail of a video, you need to copy the url of the Youtube video from browser(URL will be like

1.2 or click share button then copy URL(URL will be like

2 Paste your URL into the input fieldhow_to_use_2_img

3 Click the submit buttonhow_to_use_3_img

4 Choose the resolution you want and click download button to downloadhow_to_use_4_img

Why we need thumbnail?

In general, if a video has only a title, it may not be able to effectively attract users to click; on the other hand, the thumbnail can present a certain message for the user to understand the information presented by the film. So for the videos on Youtube, it is necessary to have an attractive thumbnail. In fact, according to Youtube, 90% of the best-performing videos on the Youtube platform have thumbnails, so if you want your videos to have good click-through rates and views on Youtube, then you have an appealing The thumbnail is very important.

Information about Youtube thumbnail

In fact, it is not difficult to get a thumbnail of Youtube. All you need is the video id of Youtube and the resolution URL for the thumbnail you want to get. Hearing this paragraph is a bit rap, but you can refer to the following picture, you should know what we are talking about right away.

As shown in the figure above, images with different resolutions correspond to different URLs. For example, if you want to get the MQ thumbnail of a movie, all you need is to paste the Youtube ID you obtained into the following URL{VIDEO ID}/mqdefault.jpg.

So, if your Youtube ID is '7na_-LfGfpE', then combine this URL{VIDEO ID}/mqdefault.jpg, you can use the following URL https://i1.ytimg. Com/vi/7na_-LfGfpE/mqdefault.jpg to get a thumbnail of MQ quality.

How do you get a Youtube ID? Basically, Youtube's URL has two formats, one is{Youtube ID}, and the other is https://youtu .be/{Youtube ID}. At present, Youtube ID is composed of 11 characters. So it's not difficult to get a thumbnail of Youtube. You only need a Youtube ID plus the URL corresponding to the resolution, then you can get a thumbnail.

And this Youtube thumbnail downloader is created to save your time.

Youtube thumbnail best practices

Before making thumbnail, we can take a look at Youtube's advice on the thumbnail of the film. The most basic suggestions are:

  • Image resolution is 1280x720 (minimum width 640pixels)
  • Picture The format is JPG, GIF or PNG
  • File is less than 2MB
  • It is recommended to use a 16:9 aspect ratio because both Youtube's player and previewer use this ratio
As for what kind of thumbnails will be banned? If your thumbnail content is identified as nudity, pornography, hate speech, violence, then the thumbnail cannot be used, or even possible Your account will be suspended, so be careful not to violate the above rules.

How to make Youtube thumbnail

If you are a professional designer, you should be able to make thumbnails with tools like AI, just follow the Youtube thumbnails mentioned above (eg resolution, width, format, etc.) and then match what you want There is basically no problem with the information presented.

If your computer does not have the professional software of AI, then you can search the relevant words of 'Youtube thumbnail tool' online, you should find a lot of online software. . At present, the more famous and free online software should be the canvas. You can start using it as long as you apply for membership. There are also many free templates to choose from.

Recent thumbnails