Instagram is a social application software that provides online images, videos and text videos and texts. Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, which was first released in October 2010. Because users can add their own photos. After the filter effect is uploaded to each of your photos, the filter effect is uploaded to various social platforms and is very popular.
As of December 2014, Instagram has 300 million Registered users (about 90 million monthly actives). In 2012, FaceBook announced the acquisition of Instagram for $1 billion. Since then, Instagram has become a Facebook company. By June 2018, Instagram's monthly activity has officially exceeded 10 Millions of people.
Like many of today's social media, users can follow other users on Instagram to watch other users' post. Early Instagram did not have 'time-limited dynamic' features. However, because the competitor Snapchat is popular among teenagers because of the limited time dynamic function, Instagram has quietly added this feature, so it got Teens small. Due to privacy and personal wishes, users can also set their own posts and whether the videos are public and limited to a few people.