In fact, it is not difficult to get a thumbnail of Youtube. All you need is the video id of Youtube and the resolution URL for the thumbnail you want to get. Hearing this paragraph is a bit rap, but you can refer to the following picture, you should know what we are talking about right away.

As shown in the figure above, images with different resolutions correspond to different URLs. For example, if you want to get the MQ thumbnail of a movie, all you need is to paste the Youtube ID you obtained into the following URL{VIDEO ID}/mqdefault.jpg
So, if your Youtube ID is '7na_-LfGfpE', then combine this URL{VIDEO ID}/mqdefault.jpg
, you can use the following URL https://i1.ytimg. Com/vi/7na_-LfGfpE/mqdefault.jpg to get a thumbnail of MQ quality.
How do you get a Youtube ID? Basically, Youtube's URL has two formats, one is{Youtube ID}
, and the other is https://youtu .be/{Youtube ID}
. At present, Youtube ID is composed of 11 characters. So it's not difficult to get a thumbnail of Youtube. You only need a Youtube ID plus the URL corresponding to the resolution, then you can get a thumbnail.
And this Youtube thumbnail downloader is created to save your time.